Saturday, October 29, 2005


The basic part of rebetiko has its roots in the geographical area of modern Greece, its main vehicle being these peculiar plebeian down-and-outs, the rebetes. The prison and the so-called «tekes», that is the hashish-smoking dives of the rebetes, were primarily the venues where rebetiko was played and listened to, exclusively by men; the main instruments were the bouzouki and the baglamas. From a musical point of view these songs were artless and naive and the subject-matter of the verses was limited to the suffocating, narrow social environment of the rebetis. However, at the end of the 19th century, another kind of music appeared: The «Cafe Aman» emerged in the large urban centers of mainland Greece, but basically of Asia Minor, like Constantinople and Smyrna. These were musical cafes, where the Greek bourgeois entertained themselves. Their name probably originated in the old Turkish cafes, where two-three singers improvised verses in the form of a dialogue and contrived the exclamation «Aman!», in their effort to gain time in order to think up for the next verse. The music played in the «Cafe Aman» was rich and artful, capable of satisfying the demands and tastes of a public cultivated and high-standing, both socially and in what regarded their education.

The year 1922 stands as a landmark in the development and spreading of the rebetiko. It will be remembered as the year of the Asia Minor catastrophe. The huge wave of refugees swarming mainly the large urban centers of Greece (Athens - Piraeus - Thessaloniki) brings about significant and substantial changes to the social and cultural reality of the country. The uprooted Greeks, facing as they now did poverty and unemployment, shared the same social lot with rebetes.

Many refugees joined the rebetes, getting to know their instruments and music. Accordingly, refugee businessmen opened their own «Cafes Aman» in which rebetes musicians were employed. Thus, from the moment rebetiko broke away from the narrow limits of the prison and teke, it began to appeal wider social strata. In the meanwhile the Greek folk song, product of an agricultural society, had gradually reached saturation point. After an age-long flourishing it could not be inspired any more, because of the new urban development of the country. The gap was evident; the coming together of the two worlds, the refugees and the rebetes, came to fill it. In this manner the conditions were created for rebetiko to be spread at a national level. Elias Petropoulos distinguishes three periods of the thriving of rebetiko. The «Smyrna» period (1922-1932) in which the «Cafe Aman» style of Smyrna prevails, the «classic» period (1932-1942) characterized by the return to the underworld rebetiko; and finally the «popular» period (1942-1952), where rebetiko, ripe and rid of the underworld syndrome, became a national music of Greece

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Look how fat i used to be

This is my last new year eve photo...drunk and fat :)

Monday, October 17, 2005


Ovaj put ću stvarno da pustim masti (a i mašti) na volju i da vam ispričam jednu malu bajku. Moja "mala" drugarica Dragica je slavila rođendan. Pod dejstvom alkohola..ona se malo razgolitila i pokazala nam svu širinu svoje "male" duše. Mene je to jako zbunilo...i zato sam napravio ovakvu ona je stvarno jedna VELIKA DUŠA....a vidite joj tek gaće....jbt...možeš da pokriješ cirskuski šator sa njenin "malim" tangicama. Pevao je Miroslav Ilic i scepao LJilju za kosu...mala maca koja je pokušala da nas uslika...zalepila se za objektiv, odvaljena od alkohola ...a Ivanu nije zanimalo ništa drugo nego da ganja narkomane i da pazi da mala Dragica ne padne sa stolice !!!!

"mala" dušo....ovo ti je rođendansko iznenađenje

tvoj veliki kučkan!
p.s. znam Ivana da ćeš morati da prokomentarišeš

Friday, October 14, 2005


If you did not know...this is the first picture brodcasted by satelite from Europe to America, when the connection has been established. Most of you will ask why...but quite a few of you will know the real reason, and will respect it, with a divinity.
This fresco has been painted in 12th century in Serbia. Take a good look at it. Had been damaged during the NATO bombing in 1999!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


смоке сигналс фром тхе пеаце пипе

дедицатед то сомеоне тхат кновс вхат доес тхис меанс


Πηραν την Πολη, πηραν την,
Πηραν την Σαλονικη,
Πηραν και την Αγια Σοφια,
το μεγα μοναστιρι.

Η Πολη μια παλια, αγαποιμενει, που σιναντα σε ξενη αγγαλια. Πολοι δεν καταλαβαινουνε τι σιμενει η λεξη Πολη. Πολοι δεν την γραφουνε ετσι πως πρεπει, με Π κεφαλειο. Η Πολη, ενωση των βαλκανιων. Η Πολη, προτεβουσα των ορθωδοξων, η Πολη, μητερα της ανατολης

Friday, October 07, 2005

SRXX`s Web Page`s 1st birthday

Since noone realised that this is the month that in I celebrate my first blog birthday...I`ll just say Happy Birthay to my are free to join!!!! :)
Your Srxx


Sve zelje da ti se ispune...pogotovo ona....IMAM IDEJU?! ALi...dzaba...od gledanja nema selameta! (sto kaze tetka Djana)

Η φωνή μίας ψυχής

Κάποι ανθρώποι τραγουδάνε από το λάριγγο τους, κάποι απο τους πνευμόνες τους, αλλά ειναι λύγοι που τραγουδάνε από την ψυχή τους. Με έχουνε ρώτισει, οχι μόνο μια φώρα, γιατί ακούω την Αρβανιτάκη, και πάντα τους λεώ..Διότι τραγουδαει με όλη την ψυχή της, από μέσα της, όχι και έτσι μόνο λογο να παίρνει λεφτα..αλλα για να μας δώσει την ψυχή της, που, μπορώ να πώ ελεύτερα, κανει πολύ καλα. Εδώ οι φίλοι μου, που δεν έχουνε καμία σχέση με την γλώσσα των έλληνων καταλαβαίνουνε το μυνήμα της. Μου λενε,δεν κατάλαβαινουμε, αλλά εσταινωμαστέ το πόνο, την χάρη, την νοσταλγία, την αγάπη. Ωραίο ειναι το όνομα της γιατί σοβαρά είναι Ελεύθερία.


Αχ, στην αρχή των τραγουδιών
το αχ είναι γραμμένο.

Είναι γλυκό είναι πικρό
είναι κι ονειρεμένο.

Αχ ‘συ που φεύγεις, πού τραβάς
πού πας και ξεμακραίνεις.

Ωρε, στα ρυάκια χάνεσαι
κι ωρε, στα όρη βγαίνεις.

Αχ, τα τραγούδια είν’ ευχή
και πάρε την μαζί σου.

Στ’ αρώματα, στα χρώματα
στις μουσικές χαρίσου.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Allways look on the bright side of life

As famous mr. Brian would say....allways look on the bright side of life. I saw that movie..last time...dunno when..and trying to find it somewhere...guys...if you know where can I get this movie...lett me know.

Monday, October 03, 2005


ne mozem sad da pishem...drugi put cu...sad mi nije dobro...majke mi....

Seme iz kog je nikao Beograd

Malo ljudi zna za Kosancicev Venac u Beogradu. Da stvar bude gora, malo i Beogradjana zna za tu ulicu....da nekoga na ulici upitas gde je Kosancicev venac, sleci ce ramenima ne znajuci gde da te uputi. Iako su ga svi videli, a da toga nisu ni svesni. Ja sam jedan od tih. Jednom, setajuci gradom, prodjem kroz to malo sokace, jos uvek poplocano turskom kaldrmom i dozivim deja vi. Zapitao sam se, kad sam ja prolazio tom ulicom i naleteo na coveka na starom svapskom triciklu...koji je nesto opsovao...tipa.."jebo te onaj ko ti dade volan"...korak po korak...zakljucim da sam u filmu...Samo fali Pantelija i drustvo. Vidim kucu Topalovica, koju je pregazilo vreme, ispred onog lepog novog krematorijuma, naraslo veliko drvo, tresnja koja svojim krosnjama prekriva celu kucu i tek ako se malo vise zadubis u kucu...iz tog ugla...moci ces shvatiti o cemu se radi. Preko puta....ogradjeno nekom losom ogradom...kojoj fali samo mali pritisak rukom da se srusi, nalaze se rusevine Kraljevske Srpske Biblioteke, inace, prve zgrade bombardovane 6. aprila 1941.godine od strane nemaca. Nekih 80ih godina proslog veka, pokusali su da kopanjem pronadju mozda nesto od rukopisa zatvorenih u metalnim kovcezima...a da nisu izgoreli...posto je zgrada bukvalno obrisana sa lica zemlje. Kopajuci i kopajuci..naletese na nesto cemu se uopste nisu nadali. Monumentalna rimska gradjevina iz I veka pre Hrista.Pod prekriven predivnim mozaicima...dakle...otisli su mnogo dalje nego sto su se i nadali. Ta mala ulicica je...kao sto rekoh, seme iz koga je nikao Beograd. Malo sam cackao po istoriji Beograda i pronasao to...da se na Kosancicevom vencu nalazi sedam slojeva Beograda...od keltskog Singida...rimskog danasnjeg Beograda...preko vizantinaca...ugara...turaka...srba...svih i svakavih. Te neispricane price leze samo nekoliko metara ispod vas...kada prosetate tom ulicom..Neispricane, a vape da vam kazu svoju pricu, radosnu ili bolnu svejedno je. Ima mnogo toga da se cuje, da se saslusa.
Pogledajte Beograd danas. Ko bi rekao od nas...da je iz te male...davno zaboravljene ulice koju je pregazilo vreme...iznikao toliki Beograd...pun svih i svakakvih..odavde i odande...koje nije briga za Kosancicev venac.