Monday, February 14, 2005


Αυτο το τραγουδι ειναι το αγαπιμενο μου. Ειναι και γλυκο καο πυκρο. Ετσι νιοθω και εγω. Δεν ξερω...ειναι λαθος που αγαπαω? Ειναι λαθος που πονω? Ειναι λαθος που ακωμα ποιστεβω στο πραγμα που το λενε ΑΓΑΠΗ....ειμαι τρελος ι οχι....μυπος και για αυτο γραφω στα ελληνικα...να μην το διαβαζει και καταλαβει κανεις. Δεν θελω να δουνε το πονω μου. Εχω ακουσει παλια οτι ενας ανθρωπος μπορει να αγαπαει μονο δυο φωρες στην ζωη. Εαν ειναι αλιθια...μαλιστα ειμαι στην κατασταση οτι δεν ξερω τι να κανω με την ζωη μου. Να ξαναποιστεβω στουσ ανθρωπους που λενε Σ`ΑΓΑΠΩ...τι ενοωνει? τι πλυγονει? τι χοριζει...δεν ξερω...Καλα ειναι που δεν μπορεις να καταλαβεις τι νιοθω....ειναι σαν να σου μιλαγα ολο αυτο το καιρο...`ξερω `γω...ελληνικα;! Ακωμα δεν ποσιτεβω οτι οι ανθρωποι μπορουν να ειναι ετσι...οτι χριζαουνε αυτην την δυνατην λεξη...χωρις λογο...χωρις καρδια...χωρις να ξερουνε τι συμενει και τι σιμβαινει. Το ξερω τωρα...και ακωμα ξερω οτι δεν θελω ξαναποτε να αγαπαω.

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Δεν θελω ξαναποτε να ποιστεββ σε κανεναν...Μονο σε σενα μωρο μου. Ειμαι παντα εδω...προστα σου...η οικονα μου δεν ειναι μονο στον τυχο σου. Ειναι και στην καρδια σου...και μου το εχεις πει. Μακαρι αν μπορεσα να σε καταλαβω. Το θελω...παραπανω απο ολη την χριση του κοσμου αυτου του ψευτικου.
Μην μου λες οτι με αγαπας. Πες μου οτι ειμαι βλακας, πες μου οτι θες. Μην μου λες οτι θελεις να ειμαστε φιλοι...διωτι ξερεις και εσυ οτι σε λατρευω μωρακι μου. Οτι νιοθω και ακωμα ελπιζω στην αγαπη. Χωρης εσενα...δεν εχω την δυναμη μου. Δεν εχω λογο για να ζω. Να ζω μωναχος. Να ζω χωρης αγαπη. Να ζω χωρις ελπιδα και πιστη....μα..δεν γινετε. Σε περιμενω.παντοτε νην και αι και οι στους εωνες των εωνον. Αμην...ηταν γραμεννω και ειναι στην καρδια μου...και θα`ναι.

Το αντικειμενο μου στην Σελιδα της Αρχιεπισκοπης Αχριδος και Μακεδονιας

Περση....ο αρχιεπισκοπος Αχριδος και Μακεδονιας, κυριος Ιωαννης εκδοθηκε το αντικειμενο που εχω στηλει στον ιερετικο επισκοπο της "Μακεδονικης Ορθοδοξης Εκκλησιας". Ο εκεινος, σε οποιον το κειμενο μου ειναι γραμμενω, δεν ηθελε να το εκδωσει, και για τουτο το πραγμα, Ο Κυρ. Ιωαννης τησ Αχριδος το εκδωθηκε στην σελιδα της Ιερασ Αρχιεπισκοπης Αχριδος και Μακεδονιας.
Το κειμενο εαυτο ειναι γραμμενο στην Σερβικη και Αγγλικη γλωσσα και εαν ξερετε μια απ` αυτες η δυο γλωσσες...θα καταλαβετε μαλλον τι`θελα να πω και τι σιμασια εχει το κειμενο εαυτο.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Since few people taking a look at my web page had some comlains about me...being serbian and writing in English i need to act. From now on...this web page will be three-lingual....hope you`ll still leave your comments and ideas....please do so.
Best regards my friends,


Μονο για τα παιδια...οποιοα θελουνε να δουνε τι εχω εγω, και τι μπορω να προσφερω στον Κοσμον εαυτον, απο τωρα, νην και αη....θα ειναι ολα που γραφω στησ τρεις Γλωσσες, Ελληνικη, Αγγλικη και μαλλον Σερβικη....
Πολλα χαιρετισματα,

Monday, February 07, 2005


Buduci da se nekolicina ljudi (koji ne znaju bas najbolje engleski jezik (ili ga ne znaju uopste) buni) moram evo...da napisem nesto i na srpskom jeziku. E pa drugari, (sto kaze cika Branko Kockika) od sad pa nadalje i zvao se ja Pantelija...a i ne zovem se tako.... svi clanci i sve na ovom sajtu ce biti izdano na:
Srpskom, Grckom i Engleskom jeziku...tako da vi lepo birajte na kom hocete da citate.

You know you are a Serb when ... :)

Your mom uses lard instead of Crisco to fry eggs.
Your family owns a coffee grinder..and a nut grinder
You have 17 consonants and 2 vowels in your last name
Duck tape is your father's only tool next to using a kitchen knife as a screwdriver .
Baba chased you around the house with Kamilica to drink and Vicks toshove up your nose when you had a cold.
Your 15 year old sister can out-drink any Amerikanac
You get a C in history, but can recite every Serbian king, in order,from Czar Dusan
Your dad never told you about the birds and the bees
At your wedding you know only about a third of the people there.
At your wedding you have a minimum of 350 guests.
At your wedding the first song is always "danas majka zeni svoga sina".
You have at least 3 slave to attend to on the same day.
All slave have the same cuisine "supa, sarma, Pecenje".
All weddings have the same cuisine "supa, sarma, Pecenje".
All christenings have the cuisine "supa, sarma, Pecenje".
A Serb girl tries to look 23 but she's actually 15.
At least one of your friends name is "Dragan".
You are somehow related to every 1 in 3 Serb girls/boys.
You don't actually attend University, just hang out there and play "tablic".
You can derive "Steve" from "Nenad".
You can derive "David" from "Zeljko".
You can derive "Mark" from "Mirko".
Your father calls you a "dummy" for not knowing how to do something he can't either.
Even the fat Serb chicks put on the tightest skirt possible.
Your father expects you to study or "hit da books" every waking hour that he's home, and he expects nothing less than an "A".
A cold shiver runs down your spine when your mom threatens by using the word "tata" in a sentence.
Your Deda cuts the grass with knee high black socks and slippers.
You work out six days a week, but somehow you dad whoops your ass in like five seconds after he comes home from a thirteen hour day from the bakery/factory/food business.
You own a leather jacket.
You have three pairs of black shoes.
You have a doily covering your DVD, VCR, printer, scanner
You make sure to bring pictures of your new car/apartment/house with you to YU and show them to your jealous relatives & friends but make it look unintentional
When you know what "merak" is and spread your arms every single time you hear "Nema raje bez rodnoga kraja"


When you roll pancakes and eat them as a dessert after dinner
When your tata never misses to "oglodati oko kosti"
When you think there is no better thing in the world but to dip bread in the lard dripping from a roasted pig
When your pride is more important than your own happiness
When you do not announce yourself before visiting a friend and are happy to see him/her at your door in the same manner
When you say your last name first and prefer last names that ends in "ic"

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Jasenovac....the place you never heard about...but you should

Few days ago, I went to one book store. I found there some random turist gide books about europe and european coutries. I was supprised when I saw book about Croatia. It was filled with beautiful pictures of Coratia. (as it is beautiful. I wanted to take a look if I will find some more informations about the region I come from, and there was a lot of information.


One of them made me to write this post. Well during the World War II, in region of Slavonia, in place known as Jasenovac...allmost one milion of innocent people leaved their bodies and went in front of God`s face....but...they did not want to do happened with someone elses will. i said...allmost one million of innocent people got killed by NAZI`s and noone talks about that.
In that book i saw it says: "Jasenovac is place where FEW thousand of people, manily jews, roma and serbs were killed".
Click on the title of this post and it will take you to the web page where you will be able to find exact informations.