Few days ago, match between serbian and croatian basketball team was played. Of course, how can we play a stupid basketball mach with no inicidents. Well...we need to think of something. And we do it..with no problem. Serbian basketball player Milan Gurovic was held at the border for, having a tatoo of general Dragomir Mihajlovic on his right sholder. That offenced croatian nation, and he was banned to enter Croatia. Isn`t that funny? The explanation was that, General Dragomir Mihajlovic was "colaborator with the German ocupator" and that Croatian people does not feel comfortable looking at his tatoo during one 90 minutes rivalry.
Two days ago, 3 serbian students were hold in custody, for making a documenary in Zagreb, taking few shots in Zagreb central square with the picture of the same person. They are in triled, and in prison at this moment, and for next 15 days.
Well..it is all nice...but before understanding why, i regard, that we should say something about this man.
General Dragomir, Draza Mihajlovic, was one of the most important figures in Royal Yugoslav Army before world war two. He studied military academy in Paris, together with well known french general and politician Charles Degaulle, who was his great friend from college days.
During the world war 2, General Mihajlovic and his squad were the only that did not capitulated and that were leading gerila war againts Germans for several years. Comunist resistance apperhended him in 1945, trialed and executed him in several days. He was presented as an colaborator with German ocupator and betrayer of Yugoslav nations...etc.etc. The trial was springed, and he had no possibility to deffend him self, beeing held in comunistic prison on hard drugs. Few years after his decapitation, posthumously, he had been gartered by the PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA with the first degree LEGION OF MERIT,the highest combat award that U.S. government can give to forgein national for saving lives of 90 american pilotes during the war.It was kept as an secret for decades beacuse of the pressure of State Department That is what USA thinks about "German colaborator". "Through the undaunted efforts of his troops, many United States airmen were rescued and returned safely to friendly control. General Mihailovic and his forces, although lacking adequate supplies, and fighting under extreme hardships, contributed materially to the Allied cause, and were instrumental in obtaining a final Allied Victory. "(HARRY S. TRUMEN, March 29, 1948 )
In a letter, American President Richard Nixon said about General Draza: "General Draza Mihailovich was a patriot, a brave soldier and a gallant ally of the United States and every nation that went to war in the early forties to destroy the tyrannies that sought to enslave our world.
Hundreds of American pilots owe their lives to General Mihailovich and his forces and, the American people will never forget that debt.
As long as there are patriots in any nation, the name of General Mihailovich will be remembered and revered." I believe that the spirit in which you have gathered here to honor the memory of General Mihailovich, the faithful allied commander and the first anti-Nazis leader in Europe, is shared by the great majority of Americans.
The ultimate tragedy of Draza Mihailovic cannot erase the memory of his heroic and often lonely struggle against the twin tyrannies that afflicted his people, Nazism and Communism. He knew that totalitarianism, whatever name it might take, is the death of freedom. He thus became a symbol of resistance to all those across the world who have had to fight a similar heroic and lonely struggle against totalitarianism. Mihailovich belonged to Yugoslavia; his spirit now belongs to all those who are willing to fight for freedom.
I wish that it could be said that this great hero was the last victim of confused and senseless policies of western governments in dealing with Communism. The fact is that others have suffered a fate similar to his by being embraced and then abandoned by western governments in the hope that such abandonment will purchase peace or security. "
DRAZA MIHAILOVICH the Hero, as told by Major Richard L. Felman U.S.A.F., Retired in his Book: "American war vetran Major Richard Felman, author of "Mihailovich & I", wrote and published his work as an extraordinary gesture of gratitude and Appreciation for General Draza Miahailovich and his loyal Chetniks who rescued, sheltered and saved him and other American airmen from the Nazis and their fascis collaborators - Croatian Ustashas and Muslim fundamentalists- during the bloody World War II in occupied Yugoslavia.
In his book he praises not only the paramount role of General Mihailovich and the courage of the Chetnik fighters, but also the hospitality of the Serbian people and their passionate quest for freedom.
Major Felman's book is a testament not only to the Resistance Movement under the banner of Draza, but of the undeniable truth of the great contribution of the Serbian people to the Allied Forces and their victory over Nazism and Fascism.
A special place is given to the Allied pilots (Americans in particular) who survived the Nazi attcks after parachuting into the contryside of Serbia and their mentors- Draza's Chetniks. Major Felman emphasizes the fact that this rescue mission greatly endangered Draza's soldiers and Serbian civilinan population- especially the peasants- as Nazi reprisals were imminent. Some 500 American pilots found safety and fredom, as they were transfered in the second half of 1944 into Allied bases in newly freed territories in neighbouring Italy.
There, they shared their experiences and told their stories of bravery, rescue, and Serbian peoples' enormous suffering under the Nazi- Facist occupation, to their supiriors and comrades alike. ronically, by this hour the very same Allied Forces had already betrayed Draza and his Chetniks as well as the freedom loving Serbian people. "
I would realy wish to see your coments on this topic. If there is something that you do not think that is right...say it....I am here to found the true answer to every question you have, am i not ?