Friday, October 22, 2004

Discrimination of orthodox Church in Macedonia

Macedonian government and "autocefalous" church of Macedonia are working together to prevent serbian and any other orthodox bishops to enter Macedonia. Four years ago, after 50 years of complete quarantine, official orthodox Church in Macedonia renewed the comunication with other orthodox churches in the world. Bishop John (Vranisovski) with all his priests and monks joined orthodox Churh of Serbia and from that moment, his life is in real danger. Several times held in custody, sent to prison and terrorized from official government instrument well known as MPC (orthodox church of Macedonia)
Few days ago, same government instrument sent their vassals to destroy the fondation of the new Saint John the chrysostom`s monastery by town Bitola in Macedonia. Weird, but still done.
In pictures abowe you can see how did the monastery looked like few days ago, and how does it look like today.
Balcans.....still discrediting themselves.

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